Good Things Grow Here

Pupil Parliament

At Mill View we have an extremely active pupil body, who are supported by our staff UK Parliament Teacher Ambassador Mrs Hetherington.

We use a three year cycle to ensure that all children get chance to learn about and take part in the full range of democratic processes: elections, petitions, committees, community action, and making their voice heard.  We do this through:

Pupil Parliament

School Councils

Active Citizens

The Pupil Parliament structure promotes pupil leadership opportunities, enabling our children to develop valuable communication, organisation and debating skills through representation, responsibility and accountability. It allows pupils from all year groups to be actively involved in the way that the school is run, whilst experiencing elections, voting and representing, all important elements of our democratic system. 

Our School Councils ensure every child gets the chance to have their voice heard and can be part of making meaningful change to our school systems through collective action.  These councils are created by children and include Sports Council; Art Council; Environmental Council; Pupil Voice Council; Community Council and Play Council. 

The Active Citizen Award is open to all pupils.  It encourages children to develop a sense of community, and be active members of their school, family, local and global communities.  This is done through a series of fun activites through which the children can gain bronze, silver and gold awards.  

School Council impact 2022-2023

Our Pupil Parliament this year allowed every child to make thier own unique contribution to life at our school.  In their chosen committees, every member of our school worked together to improve many aspects of school life, ensuring that everyones voice was heard.  

Play Commitee 

Members worked alongside the Sports Commitee to plan fundraising activities to raise money for additional playtime sports and arts equipment. 

Members worked with Mrs Ireland in developing additonal play zones outside including a playtime forest school area and Mud Kitchen. 

Sports Commitee

Members worked with the Play Commitee to fundraise and purchase equipment for sports activities at play time. 

They worked with the Pupil Voice Committee to request a wider variety of sports after school clubs. 

Community Commitee

Our Community Commitee have been part of organsising fund raising intitiatives tosupport the aims of other school commitees including Jump into June, cake sales and non-uniform days.  

Members have supported teachers and Mrs Doyle when showing visitors and new children around school. 

Members of the commitee have worked alongside other local school councils to share good practice and ideas to improve the mental helath of young peope.  They also welcomed others here to share some of the things that happen at Mill View.  

 Arts Commitee

The Arts Committee were commited to creating wider opportunities to discover pupils hidden talents in the Arts.  This led to a whole school project enabling pupils to show case and celebrate eachothers talents. 

Members worked with other committies to secure PTA funds to provide more arts resources to the playtime shed.  

Pupil Voice Commitee

Members have worked with Mrs Gray and the Kitchen team to reacreate the playtime snack menu so that there is more variety.  

From September there will be changes to lunchtime clubs and activities and the dinner hall lay out based on the research and work of the Pupil Voice Commitiee 

Environmental Commitee

The Environmental TEAM have led a campaign to make school more energy efficiant. 

They have arranged litter picking sessions to keep our grounds tidy and have also been promoting recycling across school and in their own homes. 


Pupil Parliament impact 2021-2022 

What an incredible TEAM our Pupil Parliament have been.  Together they decided on many aims and objectives, all designed to improve our school and community.  Here is just a flavour

Hold more events to allow children to get together, following our remote learning.

The children met with the PTA and arranged discos and film nights for the children of the school.  We held discos and film nights across the year.  MicrosoftTeams-image (1).png

Develop and improve the playtime equipment.

The children met with the PTA to discuss financing new equipment.   They successfully secured funds and have purchased equipment and play areas to be used at lunchtimes for all of the children.  This will be an ongoing project for 2022-23. PLaytime PLay.jpg

The FUNdraisers

The children created a group of passionate fundraisers who organised events to raise money for others.  The children help a vote across school, choosing The Ocean Clean-Up as their charity.  A total of £3000 had been raised across the year by the children.  Ocean Clean up icon.png

The Amigos

The children wanted to support less confident children at playtimes.  They created a playtime group of 'Amigos' who would organise games and look after each other.   Amigos Icon.JPG

Design a timetable for playing in the MUGA

Children wanted to experience a wider variety of sports, allowing more children to be active at playtimes.  They worked to create a timetable of sports over the year so that we could try new things like volleyball, tag rugby and netball, as well as football.   MUGA Sports.png

Pupil Parliament Visit London

Every year, all children who have represented our school in the Pupil Parliament are given the chance to go to London, meet our MP and see how the UK Parliament works in action.  It is always an incredible day and our representatives always return inspired and motivated to do more.  

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    UK Parliament Week

Each year we celebrate UK Parliament Week with events across the school.  We invite local councillors and our MP in to school to talk about their work and get the children excited about making change in their community.  

This year our children got the opportunity to question Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper and Local MP Samantha Dixon about the things that they are passionate about and want to improve for others. 




TEAM is at the heart of everything we do at Mill View.  Every individual's contribution is vital to the success of our community.   Every child across school has their own area of responsibility within their classroom that is noted & celebrated.   Every class plans & commit to a wider community deed each term, where they identify where they can make a positive difference for others in Upton village.   Our children are also committed to supporting and raising funds for charities close to their hearts.  

Across the last two academic years our fundraising efforts, initiated by classes and our Pupil Parliament, totalled an incredible £11,250 directly supporting the work of a range of charities including;

The Oceans Clean up

Children in Need

Share Shop Chester 

Kids Bank UK 

The Sports Trust 

Unicef Ukraine Fund 

Yound Minds 

Our staff TEAM also raised an incredible £2300 for Macmillan by taking part in the 26 mile mighty hike!





The MVP Active Citizen award is designed to encourage children and families to participate in a range of activities to make a positve difference to those around them while developing deeper understanding of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Click the image above to see the activities our children & families work together to complete. 

Our Vision
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Mill View Primary School Wealstone Lane, Upton, Chester, CH2 1HB

Business Manager • Mrs Laura Rowlands 01244 381443
Acting Headteacher • Mrs Ali Gibbons
Chair of Governors • Mr Stephen Webb C/O Mill View Primary School Wealstone Lane, Upton, Chester, CH2 1HB

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C/O Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU
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